Monday, July 11, 2011

Part 21 of Series: 101Reasons To Use A Travel Agent

Part 21 of Series: 101 Reasons To Use A Travel Agent

There has been a lot of chatter in the news and in the Travel Professional community about travel to Mexico. I am not going to belabor the point, because I know it is a "hot button" topic; however, I did want to show my support regarding travel to Mexico, and in so doing, here is a link to a site that is requesting support for Mexico travel:

Many points have been discussed within the travel community regarding our responsibility to advise our clients on the pros and cons of any travel destinations; not just to Mexico. While there is sufficient reason to be alarmed regarding some of the news we've been hearing, there is also another side, and to that point, many agents that reside in Mexico (year round or part of the year), have been vocal about the misleading information in the news, although conceding that there are some areas that are dangerous; however, there are dangerous areas in every major city throughout the world, and I always recommend to my clients to be aware of their surroundings and exercise good judgment whether they are in New York City, or Amsterdam.
What to Pack - Your travel expert can give you great advice on what to pack to those exotic destinations.
Plan a Trip Where you Bring the Kids but Can Still Get Some Alone Time - Many cruises and resorts now offer activities throughout the day for young children that make the day fun for them and give you some time to yourself. Travel experts can help you find great family destination options such as these.
Higher Productivity Benefits - You have your trip planned while you are hard at work in the office.
You Get to be the Boss - You get to tell someone what to do for a change (politely).
Great Group Trips - Trying to organize a trip for big group of people? A travel expert can help get all the details finalized and do the work of updating everyone in the group.

*Source: American Society of Travel Agents

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