Sunday, October 17, 2010

No! I'll NEVER Go There!

No! I'll Never Go There!

We all have personal biases about places we don't think we would ever like to visit, but I'd like to offer a bit of advice - STOP! When you limit yourself to that sort of thinking you could miss out on one of the best experiences of your life.

I have a friend who was able to visit several places through her prior job. She went to Poland and Israel, and she had to admit that while those are places she never would have imagined visiting on her own volition, she was better for it and was glad to have been afforded the opportunity to visit these very different and unique places.

I bring this up because I was having a conversation with some friends, and I indicated I wanted to go to Abu Dahbi. Well, you would have thought I said I wanted to do bad things to tiny, cute little baby seals. The uproar was astounding. I pretty much chalked it up to ignorance. Not that they are ignorant people, per se, but having an extreme bias about a place you've never been is debilitating to broadening your own horizons and enriching your own life. There are some places I've recently added to my "Dream Trips" list. They were not initially a part of my list because they were not glamorous places like Paris, Prague, Rome, etc; however, I realized that by NOT going to some of these unique countries/continents, I was cutting myself off to some once in a lifetime experiences. So, I had to put a STOP to it too! Bangladesh, here I come!!!


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