Saturday, May 11, 2013

New Book Release: Into Wine by Olivier Magny

New Book Release: Into Wine by Olivier Magny

Last August I wrote about the opening of a new wine bar in Paris called, Ô Chateau. I met co-owner,  Olivier, on a trip to Paris when he still held wine tastings in his flat...ohh, la, la. Now, he's big time, and not only does he have a wine bar to add to his list of accomplishments, but he's also released yet another book titled, Into Wine.

As an added enticement to purchase his book, he has an offer (which sadly will only last until Sunday, May 12, 2013), just in time for Mother's Day. The details follow:

 Get a copy of Into Wine on Amazon... 

...and receive $349 in FREE gifts  

Gifts include:

- Free premium access to HD wine videos,
- The list of the 50 best Food & Wine destinations in Paris, from the author of 'Stuff Parisians Like'
- A discount code giving you 10% off on any purchase on O Chateau's site.
- The list of my favorite (and best value) wineries worldwide
- The full presentation of my "History of wine class"
This offer is only valid until Sunday
To take advantage of this offer:
simply email your Amazon receipt to

Click on the following Into Wine, and you will be taken to the Amazon page to purchase his book. Don't miss out on this spectacular opportunity to obtain $349 in FREE gifts just by purchasing what will be an incredible read; with plenty of wine information, and spiced with Olivier's cheeky personality.


p.s. I do not get any compensation for referring his book. I just like Olivier and want to help spread the word about his wonderful wine bar and his new wine book.

p.s.s. I purchased a copy too!

*photo provided by "Glasses Of Champagne" by Rosen Georgiev

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