Part 5 of Series: 101 Reasons to Use a Travel Agent
Having a travel professional in your “pocket” allows you to find out about things that may not be widely publicized or may be so limited in availability that when you do find out – it’s too late. Case in point, one of my top suppliers immediately sent out an email to those of us who book Major Sporting Event packages to let us know what they had available for the Masters’ once Tiger Woods announced he would be playing. It is these types of situations that travel professionals are able to know about, and pass on the information to their clients who may have expressed interest in attending these types of events when made available/accessible to the general public.
- Where to Go to Avoid Kids - Want to go somewhere without children running all over the place? A travel agent can help you to find excellent retreats that are open to adults only.
- Good Senior Trips - Need a trip with a good balance of sightseeing, and rest and relaxation? Travel agents can help lucky retirees you to plan great extended trips that are senior-friendly for those lucky retirees.
- Student Discounts - Some travel agents are an excellent go to source for students looking to go on discounted trips.
- Exotic Adventures - Travel experts can help to recommend great once in a lifetime experiences. They can help you to find the best/safest shark cages to dive into and the highest free fall bungees to jump off.
- Great Deals without Sitting at a Time Share Presentation - Want an affordable trip to Florida without having to sit through a timeshare presentation? A travel agent can help you to exceptional deals without the stipulations.
*Source: American Society of Travel Agents
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