Ode to the Bartender!
I must (shamefully) confess! Bartenders are the ying to my yang. While I can't say that every bartender I've met has resonated with me; most have been wonderful treasures that have touched my life in a positive way.
Bartenders are forced to listen to the most inane banter of drunk, clueless individuals; while still maintaining a smile on their faces (well, if they want tips that is). Even for those customers who don't drink, bartenders are still attentive and appreciative of the business. Rarely do they take themselves too seriously (although there is that rare breed of class conscious ones who may); and they are always willing to lend an ear, a shot of tequila, or in some cases a kiss - to make you feel everything will be alright in the world.
In my travels, I have been fortunate to meet some of the best bartenders in the world. They are creative, funny, oftentimes attractive, witty, smart and always interesting. It doesn't matter if they are male or female, they are a group that should never be forgotten nor dismissed arbitrarily. In our society there has been a loss of the appreciation for those in the service industry, so in this small way, I wanted to send a "shout out" to bartenders around the world.
In order to protect their privacy, I will not list their place of employment, but I will list a few names of some of the best bartenders I've come to know and appreciate: 2 Justin's (one of my uber favorites), 2 Dan's, Greg, Brock, Juan, Oscar, Amanda, Jessica, Corey, Brian, John, Errol, and Julio. I've met these individuals at my local haunts, as well as on my numerous travels. For all of you - have a shot on me!
*photo by That Chick Té
Bartenders are forced to listen to the most inane banter of drunk, clueless individuals; while still maintaining a smile on their faces (well, if they want tips that is). Even for those customers who don't drink, bartenders are still attentive and appreciative of the business. Rarely do they take themselves too seriously (although there is that rare breed of class conscious ones who may); and they are always willing to lend an ear, a shot of tequila, or in some cases a kiss - to make you feel everything will be alright in the world.
In my travels, I have been fortunate to meet some of the best bartenders in the world. They are creative, funny, oftentimes attractive, witty, smart and always interesting. It doesn't matter if they are male or female, they are a group that should never be forgotten nor dismissed arbitrarily. In our society there has been a loss of the appreciation for those in the service industry, so in this small way, I wanted to send a "shout out" to bartenders around the world.
In order to protect their privacy, I will not list their place of employment, but I will list a few names of some of the best bartenders I've come to know and appreciate: 2 Justin's (one of my uber favorites), 2 Dan's, Greg, Brock, Juan, Oscar, Amanda, Jessica, Corey, Brian, John, Errol, and Julio. I've met these individuals at my local haunts, as well as on my numerous travels. For all of you - have a shot on me!
*photo by That Chick Té
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